Friday, January 19, 2007

Media definition

I'm reading 'Always Already New'. And read...

"Media are socially realized structures of communication, where structures include both technological forms and their associated protocols, and where communication is a cultural practice, a ritualized collocation of different people on the same mental map, sharing or engaged with popular ontologies of representation"

So we can say a medium is 'The thing' plus the behaviour of using it. The telephone and the Internet are media. But using the word 'media', without defining the context, (for instance, the telephone in 1890 had different protocols than the telephone in 2007), will create misperceptions.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Power Shift

Vloggie winner 'alive in Baghdad'

Podtech network awarded 'alive in Baghdad' with six awards for the best video blog. Alive in Baghdad was created by American and Iraqi news correspondents to show interviews with Iraqis on daily live issues. Many many bloggers and vloggers reported the evening. Valleywag, the tech gossip rag reported: 'Alive in Baghdad demonstrates the capacity for internet videos to go beyond entertainment into true journalistic inquiry. In honor of its win, the Intel Corporation presented vlogger Brian Conley with a scant $2,000. It was enough to fund one Intel Core2Duo laptop, true, but the ridiculous size of the novelty check made the donation look meager in comparison. Given the state of the Iraqi power supply, I hope that Intel can cough up, at the very least, a solar battery charger and satellite internet connection, and throw in a couple flak jackets for the journalists.

Terrorism 2.0

Thanking the army of terrorist volunteers. Some Hezbollah humor.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Serious blogging, serious problem?

The Dutch National Coordinator Terrorism published a report on the Jihad and the Internet today (January 16th 2007). For those who can read Dutch, find it here.

A former leader of the Al Mouhajiroun has been quoted in the report for this:

"We have no problems with technology. Other people use the web for stupid reasons, to waste time. We use is for serious things. "

A lot has been written about Al Quaeda and the Internet. It's a fact that a lot of terrorist activities on the Internet started after September 11. From that date the amount of terrorist Internet sites has grown from 12 to 4.500 in 2005. Don't know what the count is today. Main reason why they use the Internet for is knowledge management and propaganda. Reading (for instance) the IBM guidelines on employee blogging, you'll find the same kind of goals. Companies want their voice to be heard and know that being active in the bloghosphere increases the knowledge of their people. Now, a lot of positive things are being said about blogging. It will create a new culture, a bottom-up culture, a better society. Can it also create a worse society?

Monday, January 15, 2007

Do I need Guidance?

On may 16th 2005, IBM gave their employee bloggers some guidelines. Based on a wiki made by IBM bloggers. Comments on this you can read here and here , specially about asking aproval when you cite or refer to clients and using a disclaimer.

Now I don't need guidance, I think. But if I did, could I live with:

Guidelines for IBM Bloggers: Executive Summary

  1. Know and follow IBM's Business Conduct Guidelines.

  2. Blogs, wikis and other forms of online discourse are individual interactions, not corporate communications. IBMers are personally responsible for their posts. Be mindful that what you write will be public for a long time – protect your privacy.

  3. Identify yourself – name and, when relevant, role at IBM – when you blog about IBM or IBM-related matters. And write in the first person. You must make it clear that you are speaking for yourself and not on behalf of IBM.

  4. If you publish a blog or post to a blog and it has something to do with work you do or subjects associated with IBM, use a disclaimer such as this: "The postings on this site are my own and don’t necessarily represent IBM’s positions, strategies or opinions."

  5. Respect copyright, fair use and financial disclosure laws.

  6. Don’t provide IBM’s or another’s confidential or other proprietary information.

  7. Don't cite or reference clients, partners or suppliers without their approval.

  8. Respect your audience. Don't use ethnic slurs, personal insults, obscenity, etc., and show proper consideration for others' privacy and for topics that may be considered objectionable or inflammatory – such as politics and religion.

  9. Find out who else is blogging on the topic, and cite them.

  10. Don't pick fights, be the first to correct your own mistakes, and don't alter previous posts without indicating that you have done so.

  11. Try to add value. Provide worthwhile information and perspective.

ING Asia, 'My cup of Cha' blog wants to keep it simple & straight forward. Based on Charlene Li's (Forrester) blogger code of ethics, they made the following rules.

ING Blog policy

  1. We will tell the truth. We will acknowledge and correct mistakes promptly.
    We will not delete comments unless they are spam, off-topic, in bad taste or defamatory.

  2. We reserve the right not to comment on particular responses in line with our disclosure requirements.

  3. We will reply to comments when appropriate as promptly as possible.

  4. We will disagree with other opinions respectfully.

  5. We will link to online references and original source materials directly.

  6. We will keep private issues and topics private.

Robert Scoble (Naked Conversations) knows about blogging policies. He advises also to read guidelines of these companies: Plaxo, Sun Microsystems, Feedster and Harvard Law School. Now Scoble worked for Microsoft and he wrote his Corporate Weblog Manifesto. These are guidelines, (34 when you take the updated version in his book) are helpful when you want to get more audience, and could help not to get fired. nr. 32 for instance: 'Have a conversation with your manager about blogging before you start and find out what kinds of blogging he or she will defend'. Scoble didn't get fired, though he criticized Steve Ballmer publicly. Scoble knew how to cover his ass. But he left Microsoft in June 2006 for a company called, that gave him more salary, options, and his own Scoble show. Could company guidelines have prevented Scoble to leave the company? Maybe that's where a company should create guidelines for. It is likely to find the more innovative employees in the blogosphere. Meanwhile, for me the Microsoft imperative on blogging sounds the best: Just blog smart.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Me the media

When I become the media, what does this mean for media departments? At Verizon the media department itself started a blog. Nine people on it. Why? 'To encourage an intelligent discussion...engaging in conversation with other posters who offer fact based comments'. Is the 'I'-medium best suited for intelligent discussions?And are facts better transferred though personal messages? Anyhow, facts is a word that is more often used in a corporate blog environment. Look at the Wal-Mart facts blog. And read '"In my opinion, Wal-Mart is good for the working class!", a fact presented by David K. working for Asset Protection at Wal-Mart. Or "The phrase Wal-Mart family really means something", a fact presented by Robert B. system programmer at Wal-Mart. The question is not wheter Wal-Mart is good for the working class or for its employees. The question is how to engage an intelligent discussion about those issues. Using the opportunities of me-the-media.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Do you have old brains?

Remember watching black & white TV with the whole family? Then you must be a digital immigrant. But what does is mean when you grow up with the Internet instead of the old fashioned TV? Do your brains develop differently? Like Prof. Susan Greenfield is arguing? And Marc Prensky, the inventor of "digital natives" is arguing the same. On the 23rd of January I'm going to listen to Susan. Hope my brains will be active enough. I'll report on my experience later.